Are you wondering, “Why do I wake so early?”

Unfortunately, it’s all too common to struggle to stay asleep or get back to sleep early in the morning, after waking up long before your alarm clock goes off.

So many people have an easy time falling asleep at night, but early in the morning, they are incredibly sensitive to any sound or sensation—or may be even be woken up by nothing at all.

In this post, we’re going to answer the question, “Why do I wake so early?” and look at all of the most common causes behind early-morning sleeplessness.

Best of all, we’ll offer some helpful advice on how to improve your sleep quality in the morning!

Why Do I Wake So Early? 5 Causes Behind Early-Morning Sleeplessness

There are a number of causes most likely to be responsible for your waking up early in the morning:

Light and Noise – If you live in a particularly loud area of town, you may find that not even your windows and doors can filter out all the outside noise. The sounds of passing vehicles, trains, buses, trucks, airplanes, or even voices outside your house can wake you up. Or, it may be excessive light from inside your bedroom or coming in through your windows that could wake you in the night.

The problem is, that many people can’t get back to sleep once they’re awoken early in the morning. For those with sensitive early-morning sleep, even just one light or sound is all it takes to wake you up and keep you awake.

Changing Sleep Rhythms – Did you know that your circadian rhythms change as you age? That’s right: over the passage of years, you’ll find that you often sleep less and/or wake up earlier. Sometimes, the changes to your sleep habits will be the result of hormonal changes (particularly for women going through menopause), or changes to your bladder or prostate (for men) may increase your need to urinate early in the morning, which will interrupt your sleep.

Insomnia – Insomnia is definitely one of the major reasons why you’re waking up so much earlier every morning. A lot of people see insomnia as just an inability to fall asleep at night, but the truth is that it’s also characterized as “an inability to stay asleep”. For some people, it will manifest as nighttime restlessness that makes it hard to fall asleep. For others, it will manifest as frequent sleep disturbances throughout the night that cause you to wake up frequently. For others still, it’ll be waking up early, and you’ll have no chance of getting back to sleep, no matter how tired you are.

Insomnia may be acute (lasting days or weeks) and caused by certain circumstances or emotional problems (like anxiety or depression), or it could turn chronic and last for years at a time. It can be caused by medical conditions (such as sleep apnea, thyroid conditions, asthma, neurological illness, or GI issues) as well as stress, anxiety, medications, jet lag, substance abuse, or even as a result of shift work.

Anxiety and Depression – Both anxiety and depression are major causes of sleep loss, both late at night and early in the morning. Anxiety disorders can elevate your body’s production of stress hormones and stop your body and mind from “shutting down” (relaxing) to go to sleep. It can even interfere with the production of the critical sleep hormones that regulate your circadian rhythms and help you drift off to sleep.

Anxiety disorders and depression can both interfere with your sleep in unpredictable ways. Work-related issues, family problems, divorce, job loss, the death of a friend or family member, or marital problems can all contribute to higher instances of sleeplessness and sleep problems.

Pregnancy – Pregnant mothers will typically find that their sleep patterns are disrupted as a result of the fluctuation in their hormone levels. It’s most common to experience sleep problems during the first and third trimesters, due to problems like heartburn, cramping, discomfort, edema (swelling) in the legs, morning sickness, hip and back pains, the urge to urinate, breast tenderness, and even vivid dreams.

Why Do I Wake So Early? 5 Solutions For Sleeping Better in the Morning

Here are our top five tips for combatting early-morning sleeplessness:

  1. Exercise regularly. Exercise tires out your body and helps your mind to shut down. It also regulates hormones and prevents excessive stress. Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise per day to improve your sleep rhythms.

  2. Block out light and sound.  Even the slightest noise or glimmer of light can wake you up if you’re very sensitive first thing in the morning. Use blackout curtains and window soundproofing to block out exterior noise, and keep your bedroom as quiet and dark as possible.

  3. Relax more at night. Take a bath, do Yoga, listen to soothing music, or meditate—anything to relax your body and calm your mind. These activities can help to combat anxiety, stress, and even depression.

  4. Be wary of food and drink at night. Avoid any heavy foods that could cause indigestion, heartburn, or other intestinal problems. Limit your fluid intake so that you don’t have to regularly get up and pee throughout the night.

  5. Try PureSleep. PureSleep is a game-changing sleep-inducing supplement that combines the best natural remedies—like magnolia bark extract, melatonin, Valerian root, and Ashwagandha—into one highly effective capsule that you can take every night before bed. Not only will you fall asleep more easily, but you’ll sleep more deeply all night long and be less prone to sleep disturbances or waking up early.

Give these tips a try, and you’ll never again have to ask “Why do I wake so early?”