Finding the right sleeping positions for lower back pain can make a world of difference!

A night sleeping in the wrong position can lead to an achy neck, shoulders, back, hips, and even knees. A night sleeping in the right position can help you wake up absolutely pain-free and well-rested.

Below, we’re going to take a closer look at the right sleeping positions for lower back pain, the positions that will support your entire spine correctly and help maintain the most natural joint alignment all night long.

Change up your sleeping habits a bit, and you can see a huge difference in your pain levels and joint health!

The Best Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain

There is a bit of debate as to which of the sleeping positions is the “best overall”. Some argue that it’s sleeping on your back, while others claim that it’s sleeping on your side.

Regardless of which of the two you choose, it’s important to know that they are both excellent for providing spinal support and reducing pain if you are set up correctly.

For Sleeping on Your Back

For those who prefer sleeping on their back, the optimal sleep position is with a thick pillow under your head and neck to provide proper support for your cervical spine, and another pillow underneath your knees.

Placing a pillow beneath your knees will slightly adjust the angle of your lower spine (where it connects to your legs) to support the natural spinal arch. You shouldn’t use a very thick pillow—you don’t need your legs elevated too high off the bed, as that could interfere with healthy circulation—just one that slightly lifts your knees for a more natural rounding of your spine.

Another of the best back sleeping positions for lower back pain is to elevate your head using 2 or 3 pillows at a time. This is useful for those with sleep apnea or snoring problems, but this semi-upright position can also reduce the strain on your lower back and combat pain.

For Sleeping on Your Side

For those who prefer sleeping on their side, it’s important that you tuck a pillow between your knees, as that is necessary for maintaining the proper spinal alignment while you sleep. Stretch your legs out straight, and make sure the pillow is providing maximum cushioning to your knees. This will help to naturally elongate your spine, and can take a lot of pressure off your lower back, reducing existing pain.

There are two variations that could help in certain situations:

  1. Curl your legs up into the fetal position. Not only is this a soothing posture, but it’s also suitable for pregnant women who want to take the weight off their lower back. However, for most people, it’s actually going to cause worse back and joint pain. You’re better off sleeping with your legs straight.

  2. Sleep with a pillow tucked under your upper arm. Think about a thick, firm “body pillow” or any pillow that can support a bit of your weight while you sleep on your side. If you have no support directly in front of you, your shoulders and upper back may start to fall forward, and this can twist your lower back and place pressure on your spine. Hug a thick, solid pillow to your chest while you sleep to remain properly on your side.

Side sleeping is better for those who snore or suffer from sleep apnea. It’s much better for opening the airways and helping you to breathe easily.

Both side sleeping and back sleeping can be excellent sleeping positions for lower back pain. When you’re in bed and in pain, try both positions (with the proper pillow placement and cervical support) to see which feels best. Both will be suitable for reducing back pain, but some people prefer one or the other based on their sleep habits.

Should You Sleep on Your Stomach?

If you are trying to combat lower back pain, sleeping on your stomach is not the best idea. You see, to sleep on your stomach, you have to turn your head to the side. This strains your cervical spine, which in turn pulls on your shoulder and neck muscles, as well as your upper back muscles. It also twists your upper spine, so you end up sleeping in an unnatural position.

But if you’re a stomach sleeper, you may find that sleeping with a pillow placed directly beneath your abdomen can help to alleviate a bit of the pressure on your lower back and maintain a more natural spinal arch throughout the night. This is particularly effective for those with degenerative disc disease, as it can relieve stress on the space between your vertebral discs.

Choosing the Right Sleeping Positions for Lower Back Pain is a Start; Take it to the Next Level with Back on Track

You’ve learned what you need to do to sleep better; now, let us help you improve every other area of your life in regards to back pain!

Back on Track is our holistic approach to curing back pain from the inside out, teaching you about the dangerous yet often ignored syndrome behind so many different back pains and helping you take steps to correct it easily and quickly. With Back on Track, you can learn about one of the lesser-known causes behind your pain, and arm you with the tools to get your back health back on track.

Give it a try. Click on this link and watch the video to learn how Back on Track can help you. You’re already taking the right first step by learning the right sleeping positions for lower back pain; now, it’s time to take the next step and improve your spinal health exponentially!