It’s amazing how many people wonder, “How can I make my back stop hurting?”

Back pain—particularly lower back pain—can seriously impair your quality of life, make it hard to work, even interfere with your sleep.

All of your daily activities become so much more difficult when you’re gritting your teeth through back pain.

The good news is that you don’t have to live with it!

If you’re asking, “How can I make my back stop hurting?” you’ll be glad to know that we’ve come up with some simple daily habits that will offer game-changing improvement for your spinal health.

Incorporate these habits into your daily life, and you have a much better chance of enjoying many more back pain-free years to come.

How Can I Make My Back Stop Hurting? 8 Simple Daily Back-Improving Habits

You’ve heard the saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” What this means is that small preventative measures TODAY will be far more effective than huge, drastic cures or solutions TOMORROW after the pain sets in.

Here are the best daily habits you can start forming today that will prevent pain tomorrow:

Strength Training

Strengthen your spinal muscles – Pay extra attention to the muscles that support your spine, both upper and lower, as well as the hip muscles that enable your lower back and pelvis to move easily. Strong spinal muscles will bear heavy loads and protect the spinal column from injuries—simply put, strengthening your back is one of the best ways to decrease back pain!

Strengthen your other core muscles – Your back muscles work in tandem with your abdominal and oblique muscles to move and support your torso. Strong lower back muscles can’t do all the work on their own. Make sure to include plenty of core work in your weekly training regimen so you keep your entire core solid and sturdy enough to bear up under your daily movement and exercise.

Sleep better – Upgrade your mattress, if necessary, to one that offers better support for your lower back. If you suspect your sleep position (such as stomach sleeping) is contributing to back pain, make an effort to change your position to a more natural, spine-supportive one (such as on your side or back). Use extra pillows to support your knees, neck, and shoulders to help maintain a neutral spine all night long. You’ll wake up far less stiff and feeling a great deal less pain.

Nourish your spine – You’ll already be pairing a high-protein diet with your daily workout regimen, but you’ve got to focus on your bones as well as your muscles. Make sure to eat more foods rich in calcium, potassium, Vitamin D, and magnesium, all of which are critical for healthy musculoskeletal structure. Osteoporosis (bone degeneration) is among the most common causes of lower back pain, particularly among older women. Eating the right nutrients can strengthen your bones and make your spinal column more resistant to injury.

Stretch – The more you stretch, the better! It’s definitely important to stretch before and after your workouts, because it loosens up your joints, elongates your spines, and lengthens your soft muscle and connective tissue. However, you should also make it a point to stretch throughout the day—first thing in the morning when you roll out of bed, every hour you spend sitting down, even before going to bed. The more you stretch, the more mobile and flexible you become, and the less prone to injury you will be.

Improve your posture – Posture plays a huge role in your spinal health. If you sit hunched over your desk or you slouch when standing, your muscles may weaken or even change the structure of your spine. This will put you at a much higher risk of spinal injury and deprive your spinal column of the absolutely critical protection it needs to move and flex properly. Improving your posture—sitting and standing up straight—will make a huge difference in your spinal health.

Stand and move more – The more time you spend sitting down, the harder it becomes for your body to remain standing or move around. This is because the muscles involved in standing and moving weaken due to inactivity—they’re not engaged when you sit down. Over time, you’ll find that this can make you far more prone to injuries and put your overall mobility at risk.

Whenever you have the chance, get up and walk around. Try to move more throughout the day—at least 5 minutes for every hour you’ve spent sitting down. When at a party or social event, remain standing as long as possible, and mingle among people rather than sitting on the sidelines. The more you stand and move, the healthier your musculoskeletal system will be!

Lift right – You’d be amazed by how many back injuries are caused by incorrect lifting technique—not just weight lifting, but even lifting things around your home. For your gym workouts, make sure to pay attention to your posture—from head to toe—keeping your back straight, shoulders back, and your form correct. When lifting at home, lift from the knees and reduce the load on your back. It’s a small change that will drastically decrease your back injury risk!

How Can I Make My Back Stop Hurting? Solve the Problem with Back on Track

Back On Track

If you want to alleviate or reduce back pain, you need Back on Track!

Back on Track is our home spinal treatment program that will address one of the most common yet most-ignored syndromes behind your back pain. By combatting this syndrome, you’ll reinforce your spinal health and give your body a fighting chance against injury and wear and tear. You will be armed with the tools that will help you reclaim your body, health, energy, and life.

It’s the best answer to the question, “How can I make my back stop hurting?”