Do you know how your body responds to infections, or how it fights a virus that invades it?

The human body is a truly fascinating thing, made up of countless internal systems and functions. Our immune system is one of the most complex and intricate parts of our bodies, which makes it all the more important for you to understand just what it does and how it works. 

The truth is that scientists still don’t understand everything about the immune system and our bodies’ response to invaders—that’s how complicated it is!

But what we do know about our natural responses to pathogens and our natural methods of fighting a virus are fascinating, so get ready for a crash course on how your immune system works…

Here’s How Our Bodies Fight a Virus

Our immune system has a few simple responsibilities:

  1. Fight pathogens (like fungi, bacteria, and viruses) that cause disease, and to remove them from our bodies.  

  2. Recognize harmful substances from our environments and neutralize and eliminate them from our bodies. 

  3. Monitor our bodies to detect any disease-causing changes, such as the growth of cancer cells, and eliminate them.

Basically, anything potentially harmful to our bodies get taken care of by our immune system. Literally, our immune system’s job is to hunt and eliminate them!

We really only begin to notice our immune system when it stops working properly, or when something harmful (like the disease-causing pathogens or cells) affects our bodies beyond its ability to control and eliminate. If the pathogens are too strong for your immune system or cancer cells multiply too rapidly, that’s when we notice things going wrong inside our bodies.

You may be wondering, “Well, how does my body recognize when something is “wrong” and activate my immune system?”

The answer is simple: antigens.

Antigens are, simply put, things our bodies don’t recognize as “belonging” or naturally part of our bodies. For example, there are certain proteins on the surface of bacteria or viruses that are not found in our bodies. When these proteins attach to receptors on the various immune cells floating around in our bloodstream, they trigger an immune response.

Our immune response is actually made up of a whole variety of processes, not just a single response. First, the body tries to gain information on the antigen, trying to figure out if it’s a new form of something it has encountered in the past or something totally new and potentially dangerous. It tries to collect and store as much information on the antigen as possible, using that information to figure out the best way to combat it. When it comes in contact with that antigen again, it’s already programmed to recognize and eliminate it as effectively as possible.

Note: Sometimes our body makes a mistake and erroneously recognizes the proteins on its own cells as “harmful”. That triggers an autoimmune response, attacking healthy cells because of this mistake. This can lead to a number of autoimmune conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis, to name a few.

Our bodies’ immune systems are made up of two different subsystems:

The innate immune system. This subsystem is called the “non-specific immune system” because it’s always operating in our bodies as sort of a “blanket” or “general” immune response. It’s got armies of white blood cells, phagocytes, and killer cells ready to spring into action against whatever invading threat shows up. It targets any and all antigens as a means of protecting the body.

The adaptive immune system. This subsystem, however, responds to very specific threats. It’s responsible for recognizing new antigens, studying them, and crafting antibodies to respond to germs according to their unique and specific nature. It can use information from antigens that the body has previously come in contact with, too, but its main job is to adapt the immune response to the precise invader that it’s dealing with.

The beauty of these two subsystems is that they’re always working together, communicating back and forth to make sure our bodies are protected. 

The innate immune system is working around the clock, always monitoring your digestive system and your skin for any sign of threats. If it’s a threat that can be easily handled—typically because it’s a pathogen that you encounter regularly (such as bacteria in your food or pollutants in your environment) or have encountered in the past—the innate immune system sends its legions of killer cells to handle it.

However, when it recognizes something new and unfamiliar, it calls in reinforcements from the adaptive immune system, which studies the new threat and tries to find a means of dealing with the problem.

Together, these two subsystems do an amazing job of protecting our bodies from the bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins we encounter on a daily basis. 

Try Pure Immunity to Help You Fight a Virus More Effectively Today!

If you want to make your body more effective at fighting whatever infections or diseases are common in your area, give Pure Immunity a try!

Our Pure Immunity supplement is made with all natural and organic ingredients that will boost your immune function and make your body more effective at fighting threats—both new and familiar. Not only will these ingredients raise the levels of your white blood cells and killer T cells, but they’ll help your body be more capable at responding and adapting to new viral threats.

The supplement is loaded with Vitamin A, B vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,  iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and a host of other micronutrients and antioxidants that will do wonders to boost your natural immunity. If want to make sure your body has everything it needs to fight a virus or bacteria infecting you, Pure Immunity is just what you need.