Find out why the plant that has kept horses and cows healthy for centuries might be your new best superfood!

Yes, you read that right: alfalfa is a plant that has been grown and used as livestock feed for the last few hundred years.

While it looks like a grass, it’s actually a member of the legume family, and as such has an amazing amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals compared to other actual “grasses”.

Humans don’t eat alfalfa the same way livestock does (no kidding, right?). We can’t just chow down on it like horses and cows do. Instead, we have to eat it in the form of herbal supplement or superfood powder that has been specially treated for human consumption.

When you see just what alfalfa grass in supplement form can do for you, you’ll absolutely want to start adding it to your diet today!

Nutritional Content of Alfalfa Grass

Alfalfa grass is incredibly high in nutrients, including:

Vitamin K – Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting and plays a central role in circulatory system health.

Vitamin C – Yep, alfalfa grass is an amazing source of Vitamin C, the antioxidant that keeps your skin healthy, your body scavenging free radicals, and your immune system firing on all cylinders.

Copper – Copper is another mineral needed for the production of red blood cells, which transport oxygen and nutrients around your body.

Manganese – Manganese can help to reduce disease risk, helps to regulate blood sugar levels, improves bone health, and prevents joint inflammation.             

Folate – Folate is crucial for the health of pregnant and breastfeeding women, as it helps their bodies to cope with rapid growth. It also is transmitted to the infant’s body and plays a role in healthy development.

Iron – Iron is crucial for the production of red blood cells, and helps to maintain proper circulatory health.

Protein – Every serving of alfalfa grass contains one gram of plant-based amino acids, which are vital for muscle growth and metabolic health.

Carbs – The high fiber content of the carbs in alfalfa grass make it an excellent source of energy, yet doesn’t trigger a glucose spike.

Plant Compounds – Alfalfa grass has very high levels of a number of bioactive plant compounds, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins, saponins, phytoestrogens, and phytosterols. All of these play critical roles in your health and as such as vitally important!

Benefits of Alfalfa Grass

Time to take a look at this amazing supplement and find out what it can do for you!

First off, alfalfa grass is amazing for your cholesterol.  It is high in saponins, a plant compound that has been proven to have cholesterol-lowering benefits. Saponins reduce the amount of cholesterol your body absorbs, thus increasing the amount that gets excreted and lowering your total cholesterol levels. Just taking alfalfa (seeds or supplement) a few times a week can do wonders to lower both total and LDL cholesterol.

Alfalfa is also anti-diabetic. Not only will it help to lower your cholesterol, but it can aid in blood sugar control. Alfalfa can increase your body’s natural production of insulin, the hormone that prevents rises in blood sugar. It can do wonders to improve your metabolic health and help you modulate glucose levels in your body.

As mentioned above, alfalfa is very rich in plant compounds and antioxidants. Ayurvedic healers have been using alfalfa for centuries as a treatment for a number of conditions, including those caused by oxidative damage and inflammation. Alfalfa can actually protect your body from free radical damage, reduce free radical-caused cell death, and even prevent DNA damage. It can not only help to lower the presence and production of free radicals in your body, but it will actually make your body more effective at fighting and eliminating those free radicals.

Alfalfa may be able to relieve symptoms of menopause, too. The phytoestrogens in alfalfa are plant-based compounds that mimic the estrogen hormone produced naturally by our bodies. Those phytoestrogens may be able to ease the symptoms of menopause, including night sweats and hot flashes.

Some women may actually sleep better thanks to alfalfa. One study done on breast cancer survivors found that women who ate alfalfa reported fewer sleep difficulties. This is due to the estrogen-like effects of the phytoestrogen in alfalfa grass.

The Dangers of Alfalfa Grass

As with most supplements, you need to know that there are some risks of taking alfalfa grass.

Don’t worry, it’s only in VERY rare and specific cases where there might be problems!

People taking blood thinners may be at risk, because the high Vitamin K content of alfalfa grass can reduce the effects of blood thinners.

Pregnant women should also avoid alfalfa grass, as it’s known to stimulate the uterine and possibly trigger contractions.

People with autoimmune disorders are recommended to avoid alfalfa supplements, as they can actually over-stimulate the immune system and trigger reactivation of autoimmune disorders.

The Verdict: Alfalfa Rocks

As you read above, alfalfa grass offers a lot of pretty amazing health benefits, and has a nutritional profile that will absolutely benefit your body. If you want to be healthy, you should definitely consider adding alfalfa grass to your diet.

No, you can’t just go out into a field and find the grass to cook up like spinach. The best way for humans to consume alfalfa grass is in supplements, like our Pure Immunity supplement.

Pure Immunity takes all of the best nutrients of alfalfa grass and makes it into an easy-to-take, absolutely delicious supplement. Not only do you get the nutrients mentioned previously, but you get the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from superfoods like Shiitake mushrooms, wheat grass, chlorella, and astralagus. It’s an immune-boosting supplement that will make you so much healthier in every way, so it’s worth a try if you want the benefits listed above and many more!