Have you ever wondered, “What is a poor sleep environment?”

Most of us are accustomed to sleeping a certain way, in a certain position, or in a certain environment, but we don’t usually give our sleep much thought until sleep problems start cropping up.

Unfortunately, by that time, it’s usually too late to easily remedy the problem, and it can take weeks—or even months—of effort to get your sleep back on track!

Below, we want to look at what is a poor sleep environment and highlight the factors most likely to impair your sleep.

Eliminate or address them, and you’re all but guaranteed to sleep better!

What is a Poor Sleep Environment?

A poor sleep environment is characterized by:

Excessive Light – This is probably the single greatest disturbance to your night of rest!

There are two types of light you need to be worried about:

  • Light during the evening. During the last 2-3 hours before bedtime, your mind and body should be winding down and settling into your pre-sleep routines. Unfortunately, exposure to a lot of bright light—particularly blue light—will “trick” your brain into thinking that it’s daytime, time to wake up. Bright lights will interfere with your sleep because they will keep you awake later into the evening. 

  • Light while you sleep. This could be from street lamps or city lights outside your window, light streaming under your bedroom door, nightlights, your alarm clock, smartphone, even the small power lights of electronic devices (TV, stereo system, etc.). Literally any light in the darkness of your bedroom could interfere with your sleep. Light isn’t fully blocked by your closed eyelids, so it ends up stimulating your brain and waking you up.

Address this problem immediately—get blackout curtains to block outside lights, cover any lights in your bedroom, switch off your nightlight, turn off electronics, and switch all of your lamps to soft light bulbs—to improve your sleep quality. Consider wearing a sleep mask, too, to shield your eyes from any ambient light.

Excessive Noise – Noise can be just as disturbing as light, and harder to reduce!

If you live in a busy city, you may find that there is a lot of noise pollution outside your home that can impair your sleep environment. Passing trains, buses, trucks, airplanes, and cars can be noisy enough to wake you up. You may find that even installing double-paned, well-insulated windows isn’t enough to block off all the noise.

And that’s just what’s outside your house! If you live with others—children, teenagers, or adults—there will always be other sounds inside your home.

The key is to blocking out that noise as much as possible. To do that, you can:

  1. Wear earplugs or earmuffs. This will block outside sounds from registering in your ears, preventing the noise stimuli from waking you up. It may be very necessary if you live in a house with a lot of noisy people or live in a busy part of town with a lot of outside noise pollution.

  2. Listen to white noise. “White noise” is noise that combines all the frequencies the human ears can hear, effectively “canceling” or blocking out ambient noise. It helps to mask other sounds and prevents them from interfering with your sleep.

Unpleasant Smells – You’d be amazed by how sensitive your nostrils can be to smells that are disturbing or out of place. You can easily wake up in the middle of the night because you smell smoke, burning food, or other smells coming from outside your room. However, unpleasant smells from inside your bedroom can also stop you from falling asleep or wake you up throughout the night. 

The trick is to make sure the smells in your bedroom are as pleasant as possible. You can burn a candle before bed, spray cologne or perfume, or use an oil diffuser. Aromatherapy can actually help to relax you and make it easier to fall asleep at night. Consider using lavender, chamomile, or jasmine scents to mask any unpleasant odors and encourage better relaxation.

Discomfort – It can be very difficult to get to sleep if your pillows are all wrong, your sheets are scratchy, and your bed is too firm or too soft. You need to be comfortable in order to relax and fall asleep, not to mention stay asleep all night long. Spending your night tossing and turning in an effort to find a comfortable position can negatively impact your sleep quality.

Temperatures, too, can play an important role in your comfort. If the room is too hot, you’ll end up sweating and kicking off your blankets. If the room is too cold, you might spend the night shivering or fighting to get warm.

Make sure your bedroom is set to a comfortable temperature—between 60 and 67 F—and that your blankets, pillows, sheets, and mattress are as comfortable as possible!

What is a Poor Sleep Environment? Every Night Is Better with PureSleep!

If you’re taking steps to improve your sleep environment, it likely means you’re struggling to fall asleep and/or stay asleep at night. You’re sick of being tired and desperate to find a solution.

That’s where PureSleep comes in.

PureSleep is a game-changing herbal formula that combines all the best natural sleep-inducing ingredient into one easy-to-take pre-bedtime capsule. The mixture of herbs like Ashwagandha, melatonin, Valerian root, and magnolia bark extract will help to make you sleep, encourage deeper sleep, and prevent sleep disturbances from waking you up.

You’re already taking steps to improve your sleep environment, and PureSleep will be the ideal addition to give you that last little push into a good night’s rest every night!