We get asked a lot, “How can I stop waking up multiple times at night? I’m so exhausted but because I’m constantly waking up throughout the night, I’m even more tired come morning!”

This is a very common—and serious problem.

Constant interruptions of your sleep can impair healthy sleep quality, reduce deep sleep, and prevent your body from making critical repairs to damaged organs, tissues, and internal systems.

If you want to know how can I stop waking up multiple times at night, you’ve come to the right place.

Below, we’re going to look at some of the most common causes of nighttime sleep disturbances, and give you actionable, practical steps you can take to combat them so you can sleep better starting NOW.

How Can I Stop Waking Up Multiple Times at Night?

Improve your sleep environment – If your bedroom is noisy, smelly, or too bright, you will wake up multiple times throughout the night as a result of sensory stimulation. You need to make sure your bedroom is fully dark using blackout curtains to block out outside street lights or billboards shining through, and turn off any nightlights or lights from your devices. Make sure it smells pleasant, using candles, oil diffusers, or air fresheners to mask any unwanted odors. And, last but not least, make it as quiet as you can by blocking out ambient noise, or using a white noise machine to mask sounds that you can’t block out. 

Be wary of nighttime peeing. Nocturia is the term given to peeing during the night (at least once, but often more frequently). If you have to pee badly enough, it will disturb your sleep, cause you to wake up, and can often make it hard for you to get back to sleep afterward.

Start off by reducing your fluid intake in the evening. Have no more than a cup of water after dinner time, and limit the alcohol you drink at night. People on high-protein diets often find that they produce more ammonia that requires excreting, so make sure to use the bathroom immediately before bed.

Some medical conditions, such as Diabetes (both Types 1 and 2), can increase your urine output. If you’re drinking less water in the evening but still peeing often throughout the night, it’s worth seeing a doctor to find out if there’s something causing the problem.

Combat stress and anxiety – Mental health problems can not only make it hard to fall asleep, but also to stay asleep. You may find yourself waking up throughout the night with your head filled with busy, worried, or anxious thoughts, or, worse, stress may even cause nocturnal panic attacks.

If you are under a lot of pressure, it’s vital to spend a few minutes every night clearing your mind so you can sleep easier. Spend 10-15 minutes doing relaxing Yoga, listening to a guided meditation, or practicing mindfulness techniques. Give yourself time to mentally “shut down” before bed, and you’ll have less stress and anxiety to keep you awake throughout the night.

Of course, it’s also worth considering therapy if you’re not sleeping well. Talking to a therapist or psychologist can help you learn tools for managing anxiety and stress, putting you back in control of your mental health.

Lay off alcohol – Alcohol won’t just make you go pee more often; it will also stop you from reaching deep sleep stages, causing lighter, more fitful sleep.

You may fall asleep more quickly if you drink a lot, but you won’t sleep as well or as deeply throughout the night. If you’re struggling to sleep, it’s a good idea to quit evening drinking for a few weeks to see how it helps you improve.

Limit nighttime eating and snacking – Eating food gets your digestive system revved up and provides you with an influx of energy—exactly the opposite of what you want right before bedtime! Late night eating and snacking can also contribute to acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, and gas.

On the flip side, not eating close to bedtime can also trigger hunger pangs, cravings, and low blood sugar, all of which can also interfere with sleep quality.

The key is to keep your nighttime eating and snacking to a healthy minimum. Allow yourself a small amount of food—200 to 300 calories maximum—and make it a good combination of healthy fats, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates that digest slowly and provide a steady supply of blood sugar.

A small amount of food before bed can help you to sleep more easily, but too much can be terrible for your sleep health.

Follow a sleep schedule. If you’re not following a regular sleep schedule, your circadian rhythms may be off, so you’ll wake up throughout the night as a result. Following the same pattern every day and night will train your body to fall asleep faster, cycle through the various stages of sleep efficiently, and wake up more rested and refreshed.

How Can I Stop Waking Up Multiple Times at Night? Try PureSleep!

There are a number of sleep supplements you can take to help you sleep better and wake up less, and we highly recommend PureSleep.

PureSleep is an all-natural and organic supplement made using the most effective herbal sleep remedies, including:

  • Magnolia bark extract

  • Ashwagandha

  • Magnesium

  • Chamomile

  • Melatonin

  • Valerian root

Combining these ingredients makes for a natural, highly soothing sleep aid that will not only help you fall asleep faster, but also sleep more deeply and wake up less throughout the night.

Pairing PureSleep with the solutions listed above will do wonders to reduce your nighttime restlessness. You’ll never have to ask “how can I stop waking up multiple times at night?” because you’ll naturally sleep better.